Ask The Day What It Requires Of You

Last month, I received a message that has radically changed how I approach my days. It began with a startling truth: (“You are structuring your days based on your To Do List. In a timeline of a 24 hours a day cycle you feel as if you have not enough time to complete all of the tasks that you wish to complete.”)

Wow, did that hit home! I used to be that person – you know, the one with the mile-long to-do list, feeling like a failure if I didn’t check off every single box. I felt pulled in a million directions, valuing myself solely on how much I could complete. This is a recipe for exhaustion and ultimately burnout.

But then came this beautiful wisdom: (“We would like to offer another way to think about the day. Each day is an opportunity to connect and expand. Each day is a new frequency in which to explore.”)

This perspective shift was game-changing. I’ve learned to tune into what each day is actually asking of me. They encouraged me to (“Listen to the wishes of the day. When you awaken in the morning ask the day what it requires of you.”) Some mornings, I wake up and it’s clear – today’s a ‘get stuff done’ kind of day. Other times, my whole being is screaming for rest, and you know what? That’s okay too.

My guidance then posed these powerful questions: (“Is today a day for rest or is today a day for work? Is today a day for solace or is today a day for connection with others? What are your needs today? What feels good and holy today?”) By asking myself these questions each morning, I’ve started to embrace the idea that our worth isn’t tied to our productivity. Radical, I know!

But here’s the kicker: (“You are still valuable on the days that you do nothing. You are still worthy on the days that you rest. You are still contributing to life on the days that you go within.”) Let me tell you, giving myself permission to have ‘do nothing’ days has been transformative. It’s like filling up my emotional gas tank.

This new approach? It’s messy and imperfect, but it feels so much more authentic. I’m learning to trust my gut, to listen to my body, and to honor what I need each day. The message reminded me that (“On the days that you rest you are working on replenishing your soul. On the days that you do nothing you are working on filling the reservoir of energy that is needed to complete all of the tasks on your To Do List.”)

And guess what? I’m actually more productive overall, and definitely more at peace with myself. As the channeled wisdom promised, (“Moving through life in this way will enhance productivity. Moving through life in this way will give way to a life that is attenuated to the natural frequencies that are your birthright.”)

So here’s my challenge to you: Can you give yourself permission to listen to what your day is asking of you? It might just change everything. Remember, (“Moving through life in this way will cause a shift in your energetic field and create more balance resulting in a deeper understanding of life and a more natural way of living and being.”)

This message isn’t just beautiful philosophy – it’s a practical guide to living a more balanced, fulfilling life. By implementing these insights, I’ve found a new rhythm that honors both my productivity and my need for rest. It’s a journey, but one that’s leading to a deeper understanding of myself and a more natural way of being in the world.

Higher Self/Source Channeled by Laurie Nowling

  1. Chris Burton says:

    Thank you for this beautiful and Necessary reminder to just BE, as we are, as our days unfold.
    It honors Who We Are in the world….

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