We wanted to take a moment to share a bit of our story so that you can understand the mission of LOUminous Life. We hope it inspires you and encourages you to join us in expanding the heart and soul of our community.

In 2018, our lives were in a bit of transition... We are both entrepreneurs and had recently sold our business, “Silver Lining,” which was an inspirational boutique and gathering place. It had been a total heart creation and a beautiful space filled with joy and blooming connections. Although it was obvious to us the sale had been “divinely” guided and we sensed something new was manifesting on the horizon, we were feeling a bit sad and resistant to the change.

Without the day-to-day obligations of the store, we spent that spring focused on home, friends, and spending time with our three adult sons. Little did we know, everything in our world was about to shift… indeed, nothing could have prepared us for what was about to unfold.

Although we were somewhat familiar with mystical experiences and prayerful communication with the Divine, this was something that truly rocked our world. The transmissions were uplifting and loving, but in the beginning, we felt nervous about the situation. It was all so new and unfamiliar. Each morning, we would record her words in notebooks and it was amazing how similar and harmonious the messages were.

Within weeks, Mary began telling us about a 10-acre property on the Meramec River in south St. Louis County we were to purchase.
She asked us to build a small sacred gathering place on the land to honor nature and be a location of “direct Divine interaction” for many. She told us the place was called Glynnis, which means “valley of oneness and unity.”

We would love to say that we completely trusted her guidance and became instant and obedient servants, but instead, we actually hesitated and strongly resisted! It took many more messages and a lot of miracle signs (which continue to this day, thank goodness!) before we finally surrendered to her plan. These past years have been a whirlwind of transformation in our personal life, and more importantly, in our recognition of what is real and true. Through these many years, we have come to recognize that the heavenly world is not across a veil or someplace else; it is right here in our midst. And God is not someone or something “other.” God is personally present and is “that in which we live, and move, and have our being.” Reality is so much more than we have been taught to believe. Mary explains that this is a time of revelation, and it is so awe-mazing to understand that everyone will be coming into this awareness. It may appear that much in the world is unsettled, but we are told that in truth, much is simply being transformed. This is a time of new birth for our new earth!

Moving forward, there are many chapters to this story, but suffice it to say we purchased the property, Glynnis, in November of 2018. We cleared the land, had architectural plans drawn, and intended to build in 2020. However, Mary told us about the pandemic and asked us to hold off on building so people could use the outdoor, natural space for communing. We followed her instructions and waited. In 2022, we were given the green light, and the gathering space was constructed. We have lived here and welcomed visitors almost daily since the fall of 2022. 

We are grateful to our Glynnis Board of Directors and all the incredible people who have energized the property with their presence, gifts, and inspiration. It has been a beautiful expression of community. And the intriguing thing is, Mary says our true mission has not even yet begun! We can feel the energy of more transformation coming for our planet and we know a great shift is occurring for all. We understand that Glynnis is here in place as an anchoring spot of awakening and living in the lighter, higher frequencies of unity, love, and joy.

In May of that year, totally unexpectedly and out of the blue, we began to receive messages from a being named “Mary, Lady of Light.”

And now, she is asking us to extend that connection further out geographically and throughout the community. Glynnis is one destination, but Mary says that there are many points of light to experience. There are incredibly gifted practitioners and facilitators sharing Divine presence and inspiration. There are fabulous locations to learn, celebrate, and grow the “inner-net” of higher consciousness. There are magical events being hosted to fuel the expansion of the heart and soul of our local people. 

In closing, we just want you to know how grateful we are to everyone who has been on this mission with us and how excited we are to meet the ones joining every day. There is no set membership, organization, hierarchy, or rules… we are just a gifting society of love. Mary always speaks about a new path which is available to all that she calls The Way of the Rose. Indeed, it has been most humbling and wondrous to watch this lovely Divine garden grow, and we are thrilled with all it is blooming!

Cheers to LOUminous Life! And living LIGHT in the LOU!

With all our love,

*And a little shout-out to Laurie Nowling of Flourish Branding and Web Design for her help and design with the website. Laurie is such a gifted intuitive, artist, and coach, and we have been blessed with her offerings through all of Glynnis and now LOUminous Life. We are so excited for her to be an ongoing and integral partner in this new creation!

Miraculously, within a month of all this beginning, the property showed up on the real estate listing. Just as she had told us, it was 10 acres, nestled in a valley and directly on the river. It was all so unbelievable!

And so, hence, the birth of LOUminous Life! As an extension of the mission of Glynnis, she asked that we create a directory to help people tap into joy, connection, beauty, health, wellness, and the miracle-mindedness that is present all around our St. Louis area. The HEARTland is ready to shine her light!

Glynnis Board of Directors: Seated: Kathleen Cottrell, Dorothy Lavender; Standing: Steve Cottrell, Barti Earles, Michael Earles, Jules Renner