Participate In The Sunrise

”Ebb and flow, ebb and flow. Do not force.

Feeling lost on your human journey is all part of the process. Learning to go with the flow of what is presented in front of you, is the lesson. Choose to follow your heart and all will unfold as it ‘should.’

Service to self is how the world operates, but that is how we have arrived at this station in life. Loving service to others is a game changer. 

If everyone changed from service to self to service to others, OH WHAT A WORLD WE WOULD LIVE IN!  Glorious!

This is how your true nature is. A sharing, loving light meant to serve itself AS A WHOLE. What you do to one, you do to the ALL.

Become love. Become light.  In the ‘end,’ that is all we are.  Love and Light. Shine it brightly. 

Stop with the protection of self and others to ensure a better ‘future’ for your soul.  Start with loving yourself and others for the expansion of souls.

The light will shine over the ‘darkness’ like the sunrise in the morning. Slowly and gradually. Participate in the sunrise.”

Message channeled by Angelique Hicks

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