Be The Casual Observer

For a long while the earth stood still. When we say that we are not being literal. The earth is only a material template for the illusion that is summarized within the minds of the humans who are creating it. When we say that it stood still we understand that the earth as you believe it to be is not the the same as we know it to be. But the illusion is very real.

Among the higher realms there is a saying that the earth is a magic show. So many illusions wrapped into one. Another way to describe it is that it is a movie and when you imagine a movie you understand that you are merely the observer watching the actors and actresses play out their roles in a scene that is wholly created by the director and producer and those who are in on the creation of the scene. When you are movie making you are creating an illusion of reality for the audience. Life is much the same. The creator has given you the ability to play a role and to watch others play their roles and sometimes you are co-starring with them in their movie. Many get so deep into their role that they can no longer separate themselves from the illusion. Much like an actor who has to play a role of a dark figure, the role can sometimes take over and the personality of the role they are playing becomes infused into their “reality”.

View all experiences as if you are the casual observer. Work on seeing everything that surrounds you as a movie. When you are political you are playing a role. When you are any type of career you are playing a role. When you are navigating the labels and titles of mother, father, son, daughter, friend you are playing a role. All of these roles are merely a way to express the divine essence that courses through your veins. But many are so wrapped up in and immersed in their roles they no longer know thyself and they no longer are able to separate from the role. They believe it is a starring role and that there will be some sort of award ceremony at some point where they will be recognized and acknowledged for their role. What they don’t understand is once they have left this realm the role is relinquished to the records and the lessons they learned while playing these roles are often recorded and sometimes reenacted in a new role in another time and place. Many of the souls that are operating under the illusion are not going to understand this information but many are now beginning to see through the most dense and heavy programming.

What did you mean when you said for a long while the earth stood still? Knowledge was not accessible to the average human. Knowledge or true knowingness of the reality in which you find yourself was relegated only to the bloodlines and elite guardians of this realm. That information was held tight and close and protected and only passed down to those they deemed fit to receive the information. And so the cycles of war and destruction continued on and on because the masses were unable to see the truth of the reality that they were Co-creating. They got so lost in the illusion that they were unable to breakthrough and break out of it.

That has now changed and that is now no longer the timeline on which you find yourself. The ability for the humans to access deep truths and knowledge in the blink of an eye has now arrived and the humans are also shifting in frequency and waking up to the truth that has laid dormant within them.

Ask yourself this….what are you creating? What are you unearthing within you that is allowing you to step into the role of divine creator? Give only a thought to these questions. When you are finding yourself in the mix and participating in the movie and acknowledging the roles that others are playing as real you are stepping away from your true role as a creator. When you are moving through life and walking through each scene that you find yourself in continually remind yourself of the movie. When you are attaching yourself to the expectations and desires of others within your family you are stepping away from your role as creator. When you are allowing the news or the government or the world leaders the ability to dictate to you how you should think, feel or act you are stepping away from your role as creator.

The mission now for the humans is to set themselves firmly on the path of creation. The mission now for the humans is to begin to visualize and see the possibilities of a world where creation and expansion and connection and higher consciousness is the main objective. This world is coming and this world is being created now within the hearts and minds of many.

Higher Self/Source Channeling by Laurie Nowling
