True Sovereignty and Feedom

Mary, Lady of Light has foretold of the “chaos growing and the din getting louder.” We have been prepared for what is unfolding.

She has told us that systems and institutions that are held in the energy of the “denial of the Divine” would fall. Those that hide truth, operate in shadow and energize the dark power of service to self shall be revealed in the light. They will crumble through exposure.

She told us there is a great shift upon our world and a new earth of unity is rising in place of the dual one that is being dismantled. Do not be drawn into fear; hold the frequency of miracle change.


Do not intensify the divide by taking sides. Do not align with lies, project judgment or energize hate. Do not look left or right…rather, go within, and with the eyes of the heart, the power of I AM, and the love of Christ consciousness, you will see clear. This is true sovereignty and freedom.

The dark of ‘divide and conquer’ will not win the game when the light of unity is its match. Mother Earth is on her mission back to nature, balance and health. The holy beings of heaven and our cosmic brothers and sisters stand with us.

The world is not ending, Mary’s vision of joy, beauty and peace is beginning.


“Charge into the light. This is the way of the GLADiator. Holy is the mission as giants grasp tight to liberty. It is the sword of freedom and liberty that swings mighty. Nature decrees that life flourishes in the New World. Energy addresses the sin of the biology of the dark. Shine the light. Shine the light of a thousand warriors of love. Embrace the Christ within and emit the love out to the world. Higher dimensional imagination calls forth the trumpet for the against God people to tremble. Hold to a glad timing. Go to the Divine. Trust in the I AM as you navigate the waters of the epic journey. Energy of the planets assisting those on earth. Hold your knowing and love in the heart. Express this out with the help of those on the side of the light. The light will shine wide and far. The time is heating up. There will be much confusion. Look into your heart and ask for understanding . The truth will be shown.”

Mary, Lady of Light 7/23/24
